Is Our Fiscal and Monetary Response to COVID-19 Risk to Economy Good Enough?
Is Our Fiscal and Monetary Response to COVID-19 Risk to Economy Good Enough? ECONOMIC DISRUPTION OF COVID-19 Measures taken to contain and eliminate passive transmission risk, more than the manifested active risk of the COVID-19 virus to human factors of production- both the owners/entrepreneurs and workers- have disrupted the economic and financial systems the world over. Few countries like South Korea and Japan decided to track down the carriers- symptomatic or asymptomatic of COVID-19 virus and isolate them. Most countries did not have this ability to do so or were too overwhelmed by the severity of risk. These countries decided to isolate every family in their homes to find out who is a carrier and who is not. India also decided to lock down every human being last week in their home to contain and eliminate this risk of virus transmission. This meant that almost entire production system also got locked down. You need human labour to produce goods and services in fa...