Currencies will be digital; Crypto-currencies will not survive

Currency Will Become Digital; Crypto-Currencies Will Not Survive

Burst of Private Crypto-currencies Globally
Bitcoin, the most celebrated private crypto-currency is valued at over Rs. 5 lakh rupees per coin in India presently. Use of Bitcoins in India for payment in India is not permitted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Central Bank in India. Use of Indian payment system in trading or dealing in the crypto-currencies is also not permitted by the RBI. Consequently, bitcoins cannot be officially bought and sold in the country. Nobody knows how many crypto-currencies exist in the World. Some publications suggest that a little less than three thousand crypto-currencies are traded in some manner with their market capitalization exceeding $200 billion. None of these crypto-currencies are allowed to be used for payments in India like bitcoins.
All operating crypto-currencies in the world have been created by private entrepreneurs/ speculators using the block-chain technology in decentralised, non-permissioned mode. There is no pre-assigned value/ denomination of these private crypto-currencies. Their price fluctuates depending upon demand and supply situation. Most crypt-currencies have larger supply than demand. Their prices are accordingly quite low. Some have no buyers and therefore fall off the system quickly. Only some like bitcoins have controlled supply and therefore still command price, albeit demand is more borne out of expectations of speculative gains. There has been some use of crypto-currencies in payments, including international transfers, but it is not gaining any traction as there is no fixed/stable value, which is the most essential condition for any currency to be a currency.
There is hardly any official crypto currency thus far though a few countries have initiated steps to launch digital currency, which might not even be using block-chain technology or using it in permissioned mode. In the permissioned mode, there is some entity like a Central Bank which literally controls the system and the participants need ‘permissions’ for carrying out certain transactions.  Libra, envisioned by the Facebook, is also, in design, a permissioned crypto-currency.
Only a few of the private crypto-entrepreneurs are motivated by any noble cause like reducing cost of payments, especially international payments, transfers and remittances. Presently existing modes of international payments, transfers and remittances involving conversion in different sovereign currencies and use of international banking and non-banking channels are indeed quite costly.
Almost all private crypto-entrepreneurs are, however, motivated by the desire to make personal fortune by creating an “asset class”, which spirals into higher valuations, in some cases, based on speculative demand. Incidentally, as there is no standard price of any crypto-currency, all these ‘gains’ are relative to their conversion price of an official currency. There have been wide gyrations in the “value” of even the bitcoin. In the last two years, one bitcoin’s value has vacillated between Rs. 2.5 lakh rupees to Rs. 12.5 lakh rupees. Others have varied 10 times or 20 times during this period. Some have simply disappeared. Many who invested have lost their real money. Those who are still invested are most likely to meet the same fate in times to come. Private crypto-currencies are unlikely to survive.
What is Currency and Money?
Currency has a standard or commonly accepted value, divided in a number of nominal units, and is used to express nominal and relative value or price of all economic goods and services paid for or exchanged in the jurisdiction where such a currency circulates.
Most prevalent form of currency today in the world is “paper currency or bank notes”, issued or allowed by the Central Banks of the countries. The Central Banks also have responsibility of maintaining the value of currency, which they discharge by controlling inflation.
Money is expanded form of currency, as some currency gets into the system without being issued in the physical note form. It is the “money” supply, which actually does the function of making payments and transfers. “Reserve Money”, the money issued by the Central Banks, primarily comprising currency notes issued and money created against deposits and other liabilities with the Central Banks, which forms the monetary base. How a Central Bank manage the monetary base has enormous effect on the “value” of the currency of that country.
There are many other forms of “deposits” with Banks which also acquire the character of money depending upon their “liquidness”. There are different moneys based on inclusion of “deposits” in terms of their liquidity. These are classified into different kinds of “money” like M1, M2 M3 and now M4. M3 is generally accepted as the broadest definition of money. In India, this is made up of currency with the public plus demand deposits (current and savings bank deposits) plus deposits with the RBI plus post office savings bank deposits plus the time deposits with the Banks. Essentially, it is paper currency issued plus all the deposits with the Banking system, RBI and the saving deposits of the Post Offices.
There is a certain relationship, albeit varying from time to time, between aggregate value of goods and services produced in an economy or its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the aggregate money issued and existing in an economy. This ratio- GDP divided by Money- expresses the velocity of money in an economy.
In the beginning of December 2019, paper currency with the public in India was Rs. 21.85 lakh crore. Reserve Money was Rs. 28.86 lakh crore. M1 was Rs. 36.85 lakh crore. M3, the broad money, was Rs. 161.65 lakh crore. India’s GDP is expected to be about 200 lakh crore in the year 2019-20.
Currency issued in India, like all other countries in the World, is paper currency. RBI prints and gets printed currency notes of different denominations- currently Rs. 1, Rs. 10, Rs. 20, Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 200, Rs. 500 and Rs. 2000. RBI releases the currency to public through Banks while buying other assets like Government Bonds and Foreign Currency assets.
Evolution of Currencies
The world has seen many “things of value” performing the task of currency or money. Prior to universalisation of paper currency, silver and gold have performed this role for many decades/ centuries. In the case of these things of value, the value of other goods and services was expressed in relative terms to their own values- so many meters of silk equals one gram of gold and the like.
The paper currency has no intrinsic value as the paper on which the currency is printed is hardly of any value. Therefore, aggregate value of money, inclusive of paper currency notes, has to be maintained relative to the goods and services produced in the economy. When more paper currency is issued or broader money is created relative to the growth of GDP, the result is inflation, which is nothing but the depreciation in the value of currency. Unlike gold or silver which derived their fixed value on account of limited supply, which then acted as the standard of value (this belief also got disturbed in times of new discovery of gold etc.), value of paper currency has to be maintained by the Central Banks by regulating issuance of currency and creation of money.
Deposits with Banks, including the demand deposits (deposits in current and savings account, which have acquired the character of demand deposits), have grown faster as the base Reserve Money expands and the savings of the people expand. Increasing development of digital technologies allow very efficient use of deposits in making transfers and payments. As deposits become larger and payments become digital, relative growth of paper currency slows down.
Currency in India has fully normalized in 2018-19, after grossly depleted notes of currency after demonetization in 2016, were remonetized in next two years. This year in 2019-20 so far, currency with public has grown by only about 5% in eight months.
It is possible to visualize, as digital payments become more and more common (In India, still less than 15% of payment transactions are carried out digitally, where in China it is more than 85%), growth of currency will further decelerate, first in relation to growth of paper currency relative to growth of GDP and then even in absolute numbers.
Lot of currency functions today are carried out digitally. Whenever one makes payment or transfer using UPI (United Payment Interface) or other modes of digital payments like Debit Card, RTGS, IIMPS, NEFT etc., no use of paper currency is involved.
Currency is fast becoming virtual.

Problems with Private Crypto-Currencies
Crypto currencies, built on block-chain technology, as in case of Bitcoin, is a different form/method of issuing or creating “currency or money”. Block-chain technology is a decentralised technology, which allows, every holder of a piece of crypto-currency to be part of a decentralised ledger. Transactions in crypto currencies are “mined” or located by the “miners” or the computer programmers, who get paid for in the same crypto currency.
Paper currency is issued by the Central Bank of a country and in this sense it is a centralized currency with any individual owning or being part of the currency only to the extent of currency notes or broader money actually owned by her. Currency technology has evolved over time since time immemorial. Gold and Silver, the valuable metals ruled as currency bases for long. Paper currency, which replaced the metal currency, has been around for quite some time. Increasingly, the currency is becoming digital now with more and more payments and transfers being made digital.
Crypto- currencies, based on decentralised block chain technology, can be understood as another potential evolution in issuance of currency and creation of money. In such a case, no paper currency, as we know today, need to be issued or only required number of small denomination notes can be issued in paper form for small transactions, with the bulk of money/currency being issued and managed using block chain technology. Such a currency, the crypto-currency, would have a decentralised ledger, with all participants owning a part of the crypto currency stock, keeping the entire decentralised ledger and then transacting- making and receiving payments- using this decentralised ledger.
Currency and monetary system are very large. Maintaining the value of currency and money is complex. Block-chain technology is designed to keep decentralised record, but it has no algorithms or programme which can manage, maintain or move the value of currency with the real economy and stable conversion with the real/official currencies.
Inherent technological deficiencies can possibly improve in future, though it is not known at this stage. What, however, has gone crazy is that the currency issuance function has been taken over by the private entrepreneurs and that too mostly in secretive, manipulative and cryptic manner. 
There are three basic problems with the private crypto-currencies:
1. Is it currency or a commodity? A currency primarily serves the purpose of making payments for goods and services. A commodity is the good which has value for the consumer. Some commodities like gold and silver have also served the purpose of currency. That required stable value of such a commodity. Value of gold and silver also fluctuated some-times and the size of economy grew much faster than the growth of gold and silver leading to abandonment of these valuable metals also as currency. A crypto-currency is not a commodity with any intrinsic or commonly acceptable value. For some, it might have value like crazy work of art. Moreover, as crypto-currencies can be created in almost unlimited quantities, these, by economic logic, have no value as the supply far outstrips demand. Given the nature of private crypto-currencies, there are no attributes of currency. Even as commodities, these seem to be regressing towards being of no value.
2. How do you maintain the value of a freely supply crypto-currency? The most basic feature of a currency that it serves as a standard unit of value to enable payments to be made for goods and services in the economy. This standard unit of value cannot be set or discovered in isolation of the production and exchange of goods and services in the economy. The Central Banks, using their monetary policy tools and instruments, maintain the value of currency or money.
The crypto-currency private entrepreneurs do not have any ability to maintain the value of currency. In fact, they mostly destroy the value by expanding supply, which can be limitless. That is the reason these crypto-currencies, barring a few, have not survived as payment medium, including for making international remittances and payments, the purpose for which these were arguably designed. This is what is reflected in demise of many crypto-currencies or almost total loss thereof.
The social media giant, Facebook, is attempting to come up with a decentralised block-chain based currency, in permissioned mode, called Libra to enable easier payments. Libra is not intended to create quick fortune for Facebook as other crypto-currency entrepreneurs have tried to do.  Libra’s design is based on its standard value being set in relation to a basket of currencies. It is more like an attempt to use the concept of Special Drawing Rights or SDRs created by IMF.
Facebook can succeed in socialising the concept of SDRs for making payments, but in such a case, no new crypto currency will be created. It will be a digital currency based on the value of underlying basket of official currencies.
The integrated world of today needed a common language. English is increasingly serving that purpose. The integrated financial world of today also needs a common currency. US dollar is serving that purpose. English language is not owned or controlled by the British, the US dollar is by the United States of America. The world needs a global currency which no particular nation controls. Libra is possibly trying to meet this need.
Facebook, however, would find it difficult to implement the thought behind Libra.
First, the Facebook would have to create enough of Libra by buying and retaining all the underlying currencies in the ratio of value as Libra fixes to determine the nominal/standard value of Libra. It will cost a lot. Any attempt to keep only a fraction of underlying aggregate value would be fraught with lot of risk for Facebook.
Second, as none of the payment receivers and makers actually will have Libra as its own currency, the users would do conversion of Libra in their own currencies. Even for those whose currency is used as a part of the pool, would find its value differently moving as the movement relative to their own currencies can be quite different. Building the confidence in the value of Libra would be quite a tough task for the Facebook.
Finally, Libra would not make any money for Facebook which will be managing this system, as either it will not charge anything for making the payments (as it does for messages) or, if it charges, it might not be large enough to cover the costs as the incentive of people to use Libra would disappear relative to making payment in their own currencies using normal banking channels, if charges are quite high.
3. Can a currency be issued by a private entity? Value denominated on a currency note is many times more than the intrinsic value of underlying paper. If any private person or entity is to issue such a paper currency, can it work at currency?
Let us see it in the context of paper currency first. If any person can issue a paper currency, why would everyone not print currency? If such a thing happens, it would only lead to chaos. There would be no demand for such worthless paper currency. Therefore, such a paper currency, even if permitted, would not come into being.
The same logic applies to private crypto-currency. It costs nothing to issue a crypto-currency, except burning units of power, akin to the cost of running a printing press. Therefore, in the situation of full information symmetry and everyone being able to issue crypto-currency, no such crypto-currency will have any buyer or user. As there is considerable information asymmetry and it is believed by many to be a big technological innovation known to only a few, for a short period of time, crypto-currencies may have some fans. When others catch up technology, as many are already doing, the crypto-currencies would become a totally useless and valueless commodity. It will lose value very fast. Recall the hullaballoo over mania earlier and its eventual disappearance.
For the reasons stated above, I am convinced that private crypto-currencies would have a very short future. However, some people will make profits and lot of gullible people would lose. It is generally the small persons who suffer. If today’s valuation is anywhere close to $200 billion, the crypto-currency magic must have made some billionaires, obviously at the cost of lot of people who have purchased these essentially worthless codes.
Money is fast becoming digital
With economy fast becoming digital, currency and money cannot remain physical. Paper currency will increasingly become insignificant.
It costs to print paper currency and manage the system of paper currencies. As it is easier to fake paper currency, the Central Banks have to constantly upgrade the security features embedded in currency notes. Thieves take some time to catch up, but they do. If any enemy country is interested in sabotaging, such attempts become much more serious. Building upgraded security features require new paper notes to be printed. It costs. Paper notes have limited life. Replacing the paper notes with plastic material or other material is costlier. Physical movement of paper currency notes also costs money. It costs also to store notes, stuff the same in ATMs or deliver it on the counter of banks. Digital transactions relatively have almost no cost. Yes, the digital systems can be hacked. The Central Banks have to build appropriate security systems. Relatively, still the digital money management is lot cheaper than the cost of managing the paper currency system.
Despite the costs, the Central Banks/Governments make lot of profit in paper currency business. Cost of printing and managing paper currency system is a fraction of total value of currency notes issued. Some Governments/ Central Banks treat the difference between nominal value of currency and the cost thereof as profits. Most treat the difference between the returns on financial assets purchased from the currency issued less the cost of printing the currency notes as profits. In India, it is the latter. Tension and tussle between the Government and the RBI over the surplus is actually the sharing of this profit.
The Central Banks create ‘digital money’. M3, which is generally the broadest measure of money supply, is several times the paper currency held by public. The difference between the broad money and currency is largely the deposits of various types held in banks. Deposits in the banks are increasingly used to make payment digitally.
Digital payments are expanding fast.
While being cautious in liberalizing payment systems, India has been quite a good innovator in several aspects of payment system. The Unified Payment Interface or UPI is one such innovation. By bringing all the bank account balances digitally together under one digital system, National Payments Council of India (NPCI) allows every account holder to make or receive payments using their bank accounts. The system is quite simple and well designed. UPI payments have crossed 100 crores transactions a month. In November, 122 crore payments were made using UPI, transacting payment of Rs. 1.89 lakh crore in the process. It is growing quite fast.
Digital transactions, including UPI and other methods, are also growing quite fast having crossed 2100 crore transactions in first 8 months of 2019-20.
UPI led digital payment system in India cost almost nothing compared with the system of paper currency-based transactions. The ease of payments and almost no cost of transactions has been enabled by integrating all the bank account balances in one digital system.
International transfers and payments cost much more. A World Bank study estimated this cost in 2017 to be of the order of about $30 billion or about Rs. 2.1 lakh crore. Indian diaspora ends up paying about 2.5% or more for small ticket transactions. Immigrant workers of some countries lose 15-20% of their earnings in transfer of funds to their homelands.
All this happens because there is no integration of bank accounts and its balances internationally. In fact, most developing countries and even many advanced countries, have not been able to do so even domestically.
One possible way is to take the concept and technology of UPI to all over the World. Beginning can be made from countries in Middle-East. Once this integration takes place, all that is required to do is to fix a reference exchange rate, which the Central Banks can do. This will almost eliminate the cost of international transfers and payments as well.
This will make currency and money digital domestically as well as internationally. You don’t need crypto-currencies to do that.
Final switch over to digital money
It is possible to conceputalise the final make-over from the paper currency system.
In the securities system, dematerialised record keeping of securities has replaced the physical system of securities. No longer are share or bond certificates are issued or held by the holders in physical form. A depository keeps all the shares and bonds in its ledger. Holders only have a statement noting their beneficial ownership of the number of shares and bonds of different companies and governments they hold. But, they buy, sale and transfer these securities with total ease and at much less cost compared to what used to be the system when these required physical transfers.
In India, stamps required to be affixed on the registration documents are also now being issued increasingly in dematerialised form. It allows much easier use and the Governments also collect their revenues more efficiently. Recently, the Government of India and the State Governments have agreed to collect stamp duty on securities in a seamless manner digitally using a centralised collection system.
It is possible to dematerialise currency notes also.  The Central Bank can issue currency in dematerialised form. The Central Banks issue currency when they buy bonds or foreign currencies or other instruments from the Banks. The Central Banks can do by paying in dematerialised digital currency. Holders can hold dematerialised currency in a digital currency card or virtually. Only small notes which are required for very small denomination transactions can be issued physically for some time till everyone gets ready to move fully to digital.
The Central Banks would benefit more as they would continue to get the seigniorage as they are getting presently. In fact, this would be somewhat higher as the cost of printing physical notes would be saved.
People would be real beneficiary as making payments would be much easier, faster and less costly.
It is time to make a move towards full digital currency or money.
To summarise,
The crypto-currencies, only a few motivated by noble intention to make international payments and transfers fast and costless, with most being contraception to make quick money for some at the cost of millions, are completely unnecessary to make the world of currency and money digital.
Decentralised ledger technology is a very good innovation which may find valuable use in several fields, including for organizing and delivering financial services. Use of this technology, appears to be wasteful in currency issuance and management even when issued officially. Use of this innovative technology does not justify its use by private persons to create crypto-currencies.
There is fast movement towards digitalization of currency and money. It is going to get faster and deeper. It can be visualized that in 2020s the paper currencies would decline massively all over the World and in many countries, its prevalence would become quite insignificant.
Greater collaboration in integrating bank accounts and balances globally using the concept and technologies like UPI will make international payments and transfers costless and instant.
Finally, it is possible to conceptualise dematerialization of currency and money and make the final move to say good-bye to paper money and move over to digital money.

NEW DELHI 03/01/2020


  1. Sir , banning is no solution , plus it's unworkable, the major crypto exchanges are abroad there is no practical means for banning individual transactions from person based in India . The IMC should have ideally sought to regulate it like other major jurisdictions like Australia etc . Also because of policy fog substantial amount of GSt which could have been collected , has not been collected so far .crypto is nothing but intangible asset ( akin to software ) and is certainly not currency; but if I as an individual is ready to ascribe a value to it and am ready to part with cash , service or goods in lieu of it , no banning can prevent it . Bitcoin is still has a huge fiat currency value and the optimist say would touch a value of USD 50 th this year .

    1. Yup bro... China is big Example here...

    2. There is no suggestion of banning crypto-currencies in this paper. This proposal was made in the report of the Group, which I headed. That was essentially intended to protect gullible people who were being lured to invest in crypto-currencies hoping to make extraordinary returns. My assessment is that the crypto-currencies, in themselves, are valueless and its volatile value make these absolutely unsuitable for functioning as part of the payment system. The crypto-currencies will, therefore, not survive for long.
      Block chain technologies are an entirely different matter. Decentralised block chain technologies represent a huge innovation and would find lot of use in delivering of services, including in the financial services industry.

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      🔘2020 ©Webhubghost services specialists
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  2. Dematerialized currency is good and the right way to do it. But safeguards have to be in place in view of cyber frauds. Currency is a small asset for any average citizen. Please come up with dematerialized way of owning average indian's biggest asset - land, property.

    One curious question, instead of multiple crypo currencies and pushing them to accept as currency why can't you just allow Gold ETF units just for day to day payment across the world. This will be real ease of payments across borders and will be a real check on currencies inflation...

    1. As argued in the paper, dematerialised rupee currency is quite a feasible solution, like we have successfully dematerialised securities and stamps. When you have cash in hand, or money in your bank account, and you transact, you don't specify the note number etc. You make payment. Money travels from your account to the recipient's account. Dematerialised money can also work the same way. As the dematerialised currency issuance would be controlled by the Central Bank, its quantum and value can be maintained by the Central Bank like it does today for cash currency today.
      Gold ETFs would have all the disadvantages of gold standard currencies.

      ☑️ The WEBHUBGHOST SERVICES SPECIALISTS have received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offers opportunities for Capital Investments, bitcoin investments and Trading on an Internet-based trading platforms. Most Of The complaints falls into these Two categories:
      1. 🔘Refusal to credit customers accounts or reimburse funds to customers:
      These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their trading or investment account and who are then encouraged by “brokers” over the telephone to deposit additional funds into the customer account. When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancels customers’ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails.
      2. 🔘Manipulation of software to generate losing trades:
      These complaints alleged that the Internet-based Investment and trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort the Trading prices and payouts in order to ensure that the trade results in a Loss. For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.
      ☑️ Most people have lost their hard earned money through Scam Investments And Trading, yet they would go and meet fake recovery Experts unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. This Is Basically why we (WEBHUBGHOST SERVICES SPECIALISTS) have come to y’all victim’s rescue. The clue is most of these Brokers have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of our Special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies because they wouldn’t wanna conduct Bug bounty Programs which would have helped strengthen and protect their Database from Unauthorized accesses, So all our specialists do is to hack into the Broker’s Database Using Technical Hacking Methods and Strategies, Decrypt your Transaction Details, Trace the Routes of your Deposited Funds, Then some Technical Hacking Algorithms & Execution follows then you have your money recovered In Bitcoins. 💰 ✔️
      ☑️All our Specialists are well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reputations And Recommendations🔘
      They hail from a proven track record and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture all relevant data needed by our Clients.
      We have Digital Forensic Specialists, Certified Ethical Hackers, Software Engineers, Cyber Security Experts, Private investigators and more. Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle free by Linking you Up With these great Professionals such as JACK CABLE, ARNE SWINNEN, SEAN MELIA, DAWID CZAGAN, BEN SADEGHIPOUR And More. These Professionals are Well Reserved Professionals who are always ready to Handle your job with great energy and swift response so that your problems can be solved very quickly.
      All You Need to Do is to send us a mail and we’ll Assign any of these specialists to Handle your Job immediately.
      ☑️ CONTACT:
      ••• Email:
      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214
      🔘2020 ©Webhubghost services specialists
      🔘Want faster service? Contact us!
      🔘All Rights Reserved

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    4. Finding out that your husband or wife has been unfaithful isn’t just a time of profound heartbreak and shock, it’s also a time of intense confusion . At certain points desperate measures are our only resort and we take them, finding a trustworthy infiltrator can be a lifeline and I sure used one to save my relationship, business and sanity. I was having real life problems when my friend recommended Zion to me. I contacted him because my business partner was shaking me, stealing money from the business. Also my spouse was always up at odd hours clearly this is a sign that my spouse is cheating, so the hacker cloned/hacked into their devices and granted me total access to their devices without their knowledge. I was overwhelmed that I could see my business partner hidden finances that were off records and read their old and new text messages, see new and deleted pictures, emails, call logs, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, GPS location in real time among other things off my spouse phone. If you require the services of a private investigator (EC council certified personnel), you can speak to Zion at Remotespytech(@) Gmail, com . You will be glad you did. For the purpose getting him comfortable working with you, it is advisable you make reference to this post as it would save you a lot of back and forth while ensuring you are not some kid playing around. I do hope this helps



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      ☑️ The WEBHUBGHOST SERVICES SPECIALISTS have received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offers opportunities for Capital Investments, bitcoin investments and Trading on an Internet-based trading platforms. Most Of The complaints falls into these Two categories:
      1. 🔘Refusal to credit customers accounts or reimburse funds to customers:
      These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their trading or investment account and who are then encouraged by “brokers” over the telephone to deposit additional funds into the customer account. When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancels customers’ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails.
      2. 🔘Manipulation of software to generate losing trades:
      These complaints alleged that the Internet-based Investment and trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort the Trading prices and payouts in order to ensure that the trade results in a Loss. For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.
      ☑️ Most people have lost their hard earned money through Scam Investments And Trading, yet they would go and meet fake recovery Experts unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. This Is Basically why we (WEBHUBGHOST SERVICES SPECIALISTS) have come to y’all victim’s rescue. The clue is most of these Brokers have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of our Special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies because they wouldn’t wanna conduct Bug bounty Programs which would have helped strengthen and protect their Database from Unauthorized accesses, So all our specialists do is to hack into the Broker’s Database Using Technical Hacking Methods and Strategies, Decrypt your Transaction Details, Trace the Routes of your Deposited Funds, Then some Technical Hacking Algorithms & Execution follows then you have your money recovered In Bitcoins. 💰 ✔️
      ☑️All our Specialists are well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reputations And Recommendations🔘
      They hail from a proven track record and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture all relevant data needed by our Clients.
      We have Digital Forensic Specialists, Certified Ethical Hackers, Software Engineers, Cyber Security Experts, Private investigators and more. Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle free by Linking you Up With these great Professionals such as JACK CABLE, ARNE SWINNEN, SEAN MELIA, DAWID CZAGAN, BEN SADEGHIPOUR And More. These Professionals are Well Reserved Professionals who are always ready to Handle your job with great energy and swift response so that your problems can be solved very quickly.
      All You Need to Do is to send us a mail and we’ll Assign any of these specialists to Handle your Job immediately.
      ☑️ CONTACT:
      ••• Email:
      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214
      🔘2020 ©Webhubghost services specialists
      🔘Want faster service? Contact us!
      🔘All Rights Reserved

  4. Sir,

    Wrt your central banking defence, which have history of andfew year hundred years and fiat banking (recent history of 50years of bubbles and recessions)

    Have you heard of ethereum, #defi and collateralised stable coins such as DAI? These are covered in the blogs such as,, and so on.

    I hope you are open to critical
    and libertarian schools of thought for your greater understanding of different ways of organising society and governance.

    These will pose a challenge to your world-views and academic thought and work experience in traditional banking obsolete and traditional governance.

    Therefore, we understand, that your resistance to change as status quo maintaining academicians is expected as demonstrated in this blog, so far.

    You're welcome to espouse above line of thought and we shall propose better ways of organising ourselves. People shall decide themselves. Free markets shall prevail.

    Peace and Love.

    1. Thank you very much for educating. I remain totally open to new ideas and technologies. In fact, I see enormous potential in block chain as a path breaking technologies. Use of block chain technology in crypto-currencies, however, is quite an inappropriate and poor use of this technology.
      I sincerely try to understand every aspect of the new crypto-currency stable. Stable coins use a central bank currency to fix their value, mostly US dollars. Libra's proposal is to have a basket of some central bank currencies. When crypto-currencies become stable coins, these derive their value indirectly from the official currencies. This might work in payments as it actually represents payments being made in the official central bank currencies. However, cost of maintaining such a system itself is likely to make stable coins non-remunerative, as argued in my blog.
      Anyways, thanks for your views and comments.

    2. There is actually so much to bear when it comes to relationship. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. It's so sad to discover my woman whom I thought could be a back up but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she's been up to lately so I had to reach out to webhubghost (@) gmailcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got that done in a twinkle of an eye, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her whatsapp messages, call logs, text messages which was quite amazing and I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her mails were the worst I could ever imagine.. I sincerely recommend webhubghost @ gmailcom if you are in need of a similar service and you want a perfect job done. This is not a hoax or deceit, I need everyone to find their luck spying their partner with this honest and noble IT expert. This app works perfectly but you need the help of the real deal with the email above to get loose from the chains of a cheater and abusive relationship by getting concrete proof through his expertise and prowess. Give Ben a try and regret no more, better days ahead.
      Email: WEBHUBGHOST (@) gmailcom

      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214....

    3. After l lost my job in September 2019, I started looking for investments to double my savings, so while I was researching I found some good information on bitcoin trading/mining/investments. I saw a post about this team and they are highly recommended by a lot of people on different bitcoin forums and blogs so i was convinced and I sent them a message via their email contact at, ( ) and after signing up with them, I make 100% profit daily Don’t be surprised yet! You could make a 100k weekly depending on how much you start with.
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    1. Life is full of drama and dilemma which can make you lose all hope and faith. You might even think of committing suicide when life issues get at you. All you need to do is to be strong, learn to motivate, encourage and jeer up yourself. Hard times never lasts, remember there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. People changes but God remain constant with his promises. I faced fierce turbulent situation in my relationship in the past few months ago, from having issues with my wife and all of that. I just woke up one day and I prayed to God for a way out. I spoke to a friend about this and he told me to be calm and introduced me to a great IT expert who helped me get into my cheating wife device retrieve all her text messages, call logs, iMessages, Zoom calls, Snapchat, Instagram and Skype activities. I was at first skeptic of using his services but the word of God came to me he’s the real deal after seeing many good and satisfactory recommendation about him. Many thanks to Smith, you can get in touch with him at Williamsdhackghost (@) gmailcom for all investigatory, spying and tracking services. He’s the best out here, this info retrieved from my wife’s phone helped me to reconstruct my relationship. We got different intents coming here to search for an app to track our partner or friends so it’s advisable to know the truth and not fall prey to the evil ones. His other services include: Website hacks, Retrieval of deleted messages and files, Phone cloning, retrieval of stolen bitcoins and lost wallet address passwords and many more. Reach out to ( williamsdhackghost (@) gmailcom) now!!! and enjoy a quality and wonderful service.


      Website: WIlliamsdhackghost . Com

      WhatsApp: +13523543740

  6. All the cash exists within the digital kind solely. Nobody is there to manage this kind of foreign money. In the identical means, the community just isn't managed by any entity and the tokens are exchanged between people by way of a posh software program system. As an alternative, the entire thing is decentralized, and is run by a community of computer systems. If you want to learn more about this topic please visit

    1. There is actually so much to bear when it comes to relationship. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. It's so sad to discover my woman whom I thought could be a back up but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she's been up to lately so I had to reach out to webhubghost (@) gmailcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got that done in a twinkle of an eye, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her whatsapp messages, call logs, text messages which was quite amazing and I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her mails were the worst I could ever imagine.. I sincerely recommend webhubghost @ gmailcom if you are in need of a similar service and you want a perfect job done. This is not a hoax or deceit, I need everyone to find their luck spying their partner with this honest and noble IT expert. This app works perfectly but you need the help of the real deal with the email above to get loose from the chains of a cheater and abusive relationship by getting concrete proof through his expertise and prowess. Give Ben a try and regret no more, better days ahead.
      Email: WEBHUBGHOST (@) gmailcom

      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214....

  7. Hello all
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    1. There is actually so much to bear when it comes to relationship. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. It's so sad to discover my woman whom I thought could be a back up but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she's been up to lately so I had to reach out to webhubghost (@) gmailcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got that done in a twinkle of an eye, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her whatsapp messages, call logs, text messages which was quite amazing and I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her mails were the worst I could ever imagine.. I sincerely recommend webhubghost @ gmailcom if you are in need of a similar service and you want a perfect job done. This is not a hoax or deceit, I need everyone to find their luck spying their partner with this honest and noble IT expert. This app works perfectly but you need the help of the real deal with the email above to get loose from the chains of a cheater and abusive relationship by getting concrete proof through his expertise and prowess. Give Ben a try and regret no more, better days ahead.

      Email: WEBHUBGHOST (@) gmailcom

      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214....

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    1. I lost a great deal of investement in bitcoin a few weeks back when I was trying to take a bold step in the bitcon market. I was partnering witha poopular bitcoin investement website who have been able to convince me through third parties. at first didnt think there was something to worry about as my first $100 investement made me $150 within 24hours. To me that was very impresssive and I then when ahead to invest 2BTC which was about $23,600 at the time. One thin I learn it that I didnt lose my money due to bitcoin volatility< I lost it becaus eof some unscrupulous element across the internet that targeted a single mother like me, for their personal gain. Thanks to my friend who recommended the services of a Data retriever hacker who could recover lost/sent bitcoin using advanced methods which I can testify to based on first hand experience. If there is anyone out tere in a similar situation and wants a fast solutuon then contact emai ... CYBERSPYEXPERT22 @ gmail com
      Thank me later


  9. Hello everyone, Are you into trading or just wish to give it a try, please becareful on the platform you choose to invest on and the manager you choose to manage your account because that’s where failure starts from be wise. After reading so much comment i had to give trading tips a try, I have to come to the conclusion that binary options pays massively but the masses has refused to show us the right way to earn That’s why I have to give trading tips the accolades because they have been so helpful to traders . For a free masterclass strategy kindly contact ( for a free masterclass strategy. He'll give you a free tutors on how you can earn and recover your losses in trading for free.

    1. Hi everyone are you looking for a professional binary, forex and Bitcoin broker/manager who will guide and help manage your trade and help you earn meaningful profits all within seven days contact Mr Barry Silbert now for your investment plan. For he has helped me to earn 10,250 USD just with a little investment capital and with the aid of his trading software system that brings forth good trading signals i was able to trade and cash out on time and am still trading with him, if you need his assistance on how to recover your lost investment in bitcoin/binary Contact him now on whatsaap +447508298691. or contact him on his email address Email: Barrysilbert540 @ [WITH MR BARRY I BELIEVE THERE ARE STILL GOOD INDIVIDUALS WHO STILL HAVE GOOD INTENTION TO OTHERS. ONCE AGAIN THANKS MR BARRY.]

  10. I have lost about$75, 000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams, Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency, mortgage/real estate scams.However, I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of these recovery professional and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to can reach out to on ANGELACANUTT @ GMAIL . COM or Whatsapp+1 785 325 9621

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    • Also Some Individuals might want to Track someone else's Location probably for investigation cases
    • Some might need Us to Hack into the Court's Database to Clear criminal records.
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    1. Hi everyone are you looking for a professional binary, forex and Bitcoin broker/manager who will guide and help manage your trade and help you earn meaningful profits all within seven days contact Mr Barry Silbert now for your investment plan. For he has helped me to earn 10,250 USD just with a little investment capital and with the aid of his trading software system that brings forth good trading signals i was able to trade and cash out on time and am still trading with him, if you need his assistance on how to recover your lost investment in bitcoin/binary Contact him now on whatsaap +447508298691. or contact him on his email address Email: Barrysilbert540 @ [WITH MR BARRY I BELIEVE THERE ARE STILL GOOD INDIVIDUALS WHO STILL HAVE GOOD INTENTION TO OTHERS. ONCE AGAIN THANKS MR BARRY.]

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  20. Please beware there are many fake cryptocurrrency investment platforms out there, I got scammed twice before I met a genius hacker who helped retrieve my bitcoin. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived. I invested 15BTC on a particular website called, I monitored the profit yielding but got locked out of the account before I could withdraw. I went online and met this recovery expert at recoverywealthnow360 at gm..l dot com who helped me retrieve my bitcoins back in few hours. He saved my life , he can save yours.

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    ☑️ The WEBHUBGHOST SERVICES SPECIALISTS have received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offers opportunities for Capital Investments, bitcoin investments and Trading on an Internet-based trading platforms. Most Of The complaints falls into these Two categories:
    1. 🔘Refusal to credit customers accounts or reimburse funds to customers:
    These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their trading or investment account and who are then encouraged by “brokers” over the telephone to deposit additional funds into the customer account. When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancels customers’ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails.
    2. 🔘Manipulation of software to generate losing trades:
    These complaints alleged that the Internet-based Investment and trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort the Trading prices and payouts in order to ensure that the trade results in a Loss. For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.
    ☑️ Most people have lost their hard earned money through Scam Investments And Trading, yet they would go and meet fake recovery Experts unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. This Is Basically why we (WEBHUBGHOST SERVICES SPECIALISTS) have come to y’all victim’s rescue. The clue is most of these Brokers have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of our Special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies because they wouldn’t wanna conduct Bug bounty Programs which would have helped strengthen and protect their Database from Unauthorized accesses, So all our specialists do is to hack into the Broker’s Database Using Technical Hacking Methods and Strategies, Decrypt your Transaction Details, Trace the Routes of your Deposited Funds, Then some Technical Hacking Algorithms & Execution follows then you have your money recovered In Bitcoins. 💰 ✔️
    ☑️All our Specialists are well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reputations And Recommendations🔘
    They hail from a proven track record and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture all relevant data needed by our Clients.
    We have Digital Forensic Specialists, Certified Ethical Hackers, Software Engineers, Cyber Security Experts, Private investigators and more. Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle free by Linking you Up With these great Professionals such as JACK CABLE, ARNE SWINNEN, SEAN MELIA, DAWID CZAGAN, BEN SADEGHIPOUR And More. These Professionals are Well Reserved Professionals who are always ready to Handle your job with great energy and swift response so that your problems can be solved very quickly.
    All You Need to Do is to send us a mail and we’ll Assign any of these specialists to Handle your Job immediately.
    ☑️ CONTACT:
    ••• Email:
    Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214
    🔘2020 ©Webhubghost services specialists
    🔘Want faster service? Contact us!
    🔘All Rights Reserved

  26. I lost a great deal of investement in bitcoin a few weeks back when I was trying to take a bold step in the bitcon market. I was partnering witha poopular bitcoin investement website who have been able to convince me through third parties. at first didnt think there was something to worry about as my first $100 investement made me $150 within 24hours. To me that was very impresssive and I then when ahead to invest 2BTC which was about $23,600 at the time. One thin I learn it that I didnt lose my money due to bitcoin volatility< I lost it becaus eof some unscrupulous element across the internet that targeted a single mother like me, for their personal gain. Thanks to my friend who recommended the services of a Data retriever hacker who could recover lost/sent bitcoin using advanced methods which I can testify to based on first hand experience. If there is anyone out tere in a similar situation and wants a fast solutuon then contact emai ... CYBERSPYEXPERT22 @ gmail com
    Thank me later

  27. I lost a great deal of investement in bitcoin a few weeks back when I was trying to take a bold step in the bitcon market. I was partnering witha poopular bitcoin investement website who have been able to convince me through third parties. at first didnt think there was something to worry about as my first $100 investement made me $150 within 24hours. To me that was very impresssive and I then when ahead to invest 2BTC which was about $23,600 at the time. One thin I learn it that I didnt lose my money due to bitcoin volatility< I lost it becaus eof some unscrupulous element across the internet that targeted a single mother like me, for their personal gain. Thanks to my friend who recommended the services of a Data retriever hacker who could recover lost/sent bitcoin using advanced methods which I can testify to based on first hand experience. If there is anyone out tere in a similar situation and wants a fast solutuon then contact emai ... CYBERSPYEXPERT22 @ gmail com
    Thank me later

  28. Good works deserves good recommendation, I appreciate the effort of Legit Cryto Traders for helping me work from home despite being quarantined. Profits been made weekly as they promised, i invested $700 and now making $9,150 weekly, All thanks to them, wouldn’t have been easy during this lock down they made me and my Family smile, Send them a message and thank me later
    "Success doesn’t come to you, You go to it... I’m not the one to call you to invest and have a bright financial situation. If you know what’s right, you’re supposed to contact them now and start
    trading ASAP


    1. Life is full of drama and dilemma which can make you lose all hope and faith. You might even think of committing suicide when life issues get at you. All you need to do is to be strong, learn to motivate, encourage and jeer up yourself. Hard times never lasts, remember there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. People changes but God remain constant with his promises. I faced fierce turbulent situation in my relationship in the past few months ago, from having issues with my wife and all of that. I just woke up one day and I prayed to God for a way out. I spoke to a friend about this and he told me to be calm and introduced me to a great IT expert who helped me get into my cheating wife device retrieve all her text messages, call logs, iMessages, Zoom calls, Snapchat, Instagram and Skype activities. I was at first skeptic of using his services but the word of God came to me he’s the real deal after seeing many good and satisfactory recommendation about him. Many thanks to Smith, you can get in touch with him at Williamsdhackghost (@) gmailcom for all investigatory, spying and tracking services. He’s the best out here, this info retrieved from my wife’s phone helped me to reconstruct my relationship. We got different intents coming here to search for an app to track our partner or friends so it’s advisable to know the truth and not fall prey to the evil ones. His other services include: Website hacks, Retrieval of deleted messages and files, Phone cloning, retrieval of stolen bitcoins and lost wallet address passwords and many more. Reach out to ( williamsdhackghost (@) gmailcom) now!!! and enjoy a quality and wonderful service.


      Website: WIlliamsdhackghost . Com

      WhatsApp: +13523543740

  29. Good works deserves good recommendation, I appreciate the effort of Legit Cryto Traders for helping me work from home despite being quarantined. Profits been made weekly as they promised, i invested $700 and now making $9,150 weekly, All thanks to them, wouldn’t have been easy during this lock down they made me and my Family smile, Send them a message and thank me later
    "Success doesn’t come to you, You go to it... I’m not the one to call you to invest and have a bright financial situation. If you know what’s right, you’re supposed to contact them now and start
    trading ASAP

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    2. There is actually so much to bear when it comes to relationship. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. It's so sad to discover my woman whom I thought could be a back up but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she's been up to lately so I had to reach out to webhubghost (@) gmailcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got that done in a twinkle of an eye, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her whatsapp messages, call logs, text messages which was quite amazing and I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her mails were the worst I could ever imagine.. I sincerely recommend webhubghost @ gmailcom if you are in need of a similar service and you want a perfect job done. This is not a hoax or deceit, I need everyone to find their luck spying their partner with this honest and noble IT expert. This app works perfectly but you need the help of the real deal with the email above to get loose from the chains of a cheater and abusive relationship by getting concrete proof through his expertise and prowess. Give Ben a try and regret no more, better days ahead.
      Email: WEBHUBGHOST (@) gmailcom

      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214.

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      Email: WEBHUBGHOST (@) gmailcom

      Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214........

  57. There is actually so much to bear when it comes to relationship. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. It's so sad to discover my woman whom I thought could be a back up but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she's been up to lately so I had to reach out to webhubghost (@) gmailcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got that done in a twinkle of an eye, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her whatsapp messages, call logs, text messages which was quite amazing and I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her mails were the worst I could ever imagine.. I sincerely recommend webhubghost @ gmailcom if you are in need of a similar service and you want a perfect job done. This is not a hoax or deceit, I need everyone to find their luck spying their partner with this honest and noble IT expert. This app works perfectly but you need the help of the real deal with the email above to get loose from the chains of a cheater and abusive relationship by getting concrete proof through his expertise and prowess. Give Ben a try and regret no more, better days ahead.
    Email: WEBHUBGHOST (@) gmailcom

    Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214....

  58. There is actually so much to bear when it comes to relationship. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. It's so sad to discover my woman whom I thought could be a back up but it seems I have been deceiving myself for months. I need to desperately know what she's been up to lately so I had to reach out to webhubghost (@) gmailcom who got so many truthful and amazing reviews on the internet to remotely get into her mobile phone. He got that done in a twinkle of an eye, the service was delivered perfectly I was able to see her whatsapp messages, call logs, text messages which was quite amazing and I figured she lied to me about all the money i sent to her and her mails were the worst I could ever imagine.. I sincerely recommend webhubghost @ gmailcom if you are in need of a similar service and you want a perfect job done. This is not a hoax or deceit, I need everyone to find their luck spying their partner with this honest and noble IT expert. This app works perfectly but you need the help of the real deal with the email above to get loose from the chains of a cheater and abusive relationship by getting concrete proof through his expertise and prowess. Give Ben a try and regret no more, better days ahead.
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    Text/WhatsApp: +19044177214.......

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    1. Right now I feel so down knowing the love of my life which we’ve been together for over a decade could hurt me this bad. It all happened when I started noticing his wayward acts at home, how he comes in late from work, talking to some women over the internet. I wasn’t sure if my thought if they were right cause I never expected him to cheat on me despite how faithful I’ve been over the years. I was able to know the truth and clear my self doubt when I saw many great recommendations about Ben with the google mail (Webhubghost (@) gmaill com) an IT professional who is very swift, honest and trustworthy. Ben was able to remotely infiltrate his mobile phones and laptop, he was able to affirm my thought by giving me proofs of his cheating ways. After few hours I contacted him, he was able to retrieve all of his text messages, call logs, WhatsApp, GPS tracker and hidden texts on signal and proton mail. I was wowed when I got all of this info cause what seems to be untrue was clearly true. I made up my mind to publicize and recommend (Webhubghost (@) gmaill com) for his great works. To make people know there are true and honest IT personnel who can infiltrate mobile phones without going through rigorous process and extra costs cause I’ve read a lot of negative recommendations about some illegitimate IT experts who were not able to do what they said they can do which are the fakers.

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  86. Finding out that your husband or wife has been unfaithful isn’t just a time of profound heartbreak and shock, it’s also a time of intense confusion . At certain points desperate measures are our only resort and we take them, finding a trustworthy infiltrator can be a lifeline and I sure used one to save my relationship, business and sanity. I was having real life problems when my friend recommended Zion to me. I contacted him because my business partner was shaking me, stealing money from the business. Also my spouse was always up at odd hours clearly this is a sign that my spouse is cheating, so the hacker cloned/hacked into their devices and granted me total access to their devices without their knowledge. I was overwhelmed that I could see my business partner hidden finances that were off records and read their old and new text messages, see new and deleted pictures, emails, call logs, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, GPS location in real time among other things off my spouse phone. If you require the services of a private investigator (EC council certified personnel), you can speak to Zion at Remotespytech(@) Gmail, com . You will be glad you did. For the purpose getting him comfortable working with you, it is advisable you make reference to this post as it would save you a lot of back and forth while ensuring you are not some kid playing around. I do hope this helps



  87. Finding out that your husband or wife has been unfaithful isn’t just a time of profound heartbreak and shock, it’s also a time of intense confusion . At certain points desperate measures are our only resort and we take them, finding a trustworthy infiltrator can be a lifeline and I sure used one to save my relationship, business and sanity. I was having real life problems when my friend recommended Zion to me. I contacted him because my business partner was shaking me, stealing money from the business. Also my spouse was always up at odd hours clearly this is a sign that my spouse is cheating, so the hacker cloned/hacked into their devices and granted me total access to their devices without their knowledge. I was overwhelmed that I could see my business partner hidden finances that were off records and read their old and new text messages, see new and deleted pictures, emails, call logs, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, GPS location in real time among other things off my spouse phone. If you require the services of a private investigator (EC council certified personnel), you can speak to Zion at Remotespytech(@) Gmail, com . You will be glad you did. For the purpose getting him comfortable working with you, it is advisable you make reference to this post as it would save you a lot of back and forth while ensuring you are not some kid playing around. I do hope this helps



  88. Finding out that your husband or wife has been unfaithful isn’t just a time of profound heartbreak and shock, it’s also a time of intense confusion . At certain points desperate measures are our only resort and we take them, finding a trustworthy infiltrator can be a lifeline and I sure used one to save my relationship, business and sanity. I was having real life problems when my friend recommended Zion to me. I contacted him because my business partner was shaking me, stealing money from the business. Also my spouse was always up at odd hours clearly this is a sign that my spouse is cheating, so the hacker cloned/hacked into their devices and granted me total access to their devices without their knowledge. I was overwhelmed that I could see my business partner hidden finances that were off records and read their old and new text messages, see new and deleted pictures, emails, call logs, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, GPS location in real time among other things off my spouse phone. If you require the services of a private investigator (EC council certified personnel), you can speak to Zion at Remotespytech(@) Gmail, com . You will be glad you did. For the purpose getting him comfortable working with you, it is advisable you make reference to this post as it would save you a lot of back and forth while ensuring you are not some kid playing around. I do hope this helps



  89. Finding out that your husband or wife has been unfaithful isn’t just a time of profound heartbreak and shock, it’s also a time of intense confusion . At certain points desperate measures are our only resort and we take them, finding a trustworthy infiltrator can be a lifeline and I sure used one to save my relationship, business and sanity. I was having real life problems when my friend recommended Zion to me. I contacted him because my business partner was shaking me, stealing money from the business. Also my spouse was always up at odd hours clearly this is a sign that my spouse is cheating, so the hacker cloned/hacked into their devices and granted me total access to their devices without their knowledge. I was overwhelmed that I could see my business partner hidden finances that were off records and read their old and new text messages, see new and deleted pictures, emails, call logs, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, GPS location in real time among other things off my spouse phone. If you require the services of a private investigator (EC council certified personnel), you can speak to Zion at Remotespytech(@) Gmail, com . You will be glad you did. For the purpose getting him comfortable working with you, it is advisable you make reference to this post as it would save you a lot of back and forth while ensuring you are not some kid playing around. I do hope this helps



  90. Finding out that your husband or wife has been unfaithful isn’t just a time of profound heartbreak and shock, it’s also a time of intense confusion . At certain points desperate measures are our only resort and we take them, finding a trustworthy infiltrator can be a lifeline and I sure used one to save my relationship, business and sanity. I was having real life problems when my friend recommended Zion to me. I contacted him because my business partner was shaking me, stealing money from the business. Also my spouse was always up at odd hours clearly this is a sign that my spouse is cheating, so the hacker cloned/hacked into their devices and granted me total access to their devices without their knowledge. I was overwhelmed that I could see my business partner hidden finances that were off records and read their old and new text messages, see new and deleted pictures, emails, call logs, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, GPS location in real time among other things off my spouse phone. If you require the services of a private investigator (EC council certified personnel), you can speak to Zion at Remotespytech(@) Gmail, com . You will be glad you did. For the purpose getting him comfortable working with you, it is advisable you make reference to this post as it would save you a lot of back and forth while ensuring you are not some kid playing around. I do hope this helps



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