Impact of second wave on Indian economy
Impact of Covid Second Wave on Economic Growth Subhash Chandra Garg Economy, Finance and Fiscal Policy Strategist; Former Finance Secretary, Government of India Second wave has caught us unprepared Fast spreading reported daily covid-positive cases, in excess of 3 lakhs a day, made India clock one million cases in last three days only. Health infrastructure has been stretched to its limits. Oxygen, beds, drugs, vaccines, faith and confidence all seemed to have broken down in many parts of the country. India is in a very disturbed state. Not so long back in January-February, situation was looking quite comfortable. For a day, Delhi had recorded only one death with national death count falling to less than 100. While Covid was still raging in the US and UK, India seemed to have got over the Covid with much less damage. The self-inflicted damage to economic growth in QI of 2020-21 had also been put behind by rationale approach adopted in Q3 and Q...