What ails the Power Distribution Business in India- Fleecing Industrial Customers
Slumping Volumes in Electricity Business- Policy Reforms for Addressing What Ails the Industry? Driving away most valuable customers is the recipe for disaster Electricity sales in India recorded negative growth for the fourth consecutive month in November 2019. In October, electricity demand fell by whopping 12.4%. In contrast, during a span of 180 months, in the 15 years since 2004, electricity demand on year-on-year basis had fallen only four times. Annual growth in 2019-20 has also now slipped in the negative. Does it portend serious trouble in electricity business and for that matter for the growth of Indian economy? What ails the electricity business in the country? Can a business which fleeces its highest paying and most valuable customers thrive or for that matter even survive for long? Electricity supply business in India is essentially in the hands of state electricity distribution utilities (DISCOMs). These utilities have been pursuing a policy of excessively ...